About Me

unnamedI can’t begin to tell you how many times I wrote this.  I mean, it should be simple, right? This is ME – who knows
me better than ME? Let’s start at the beginning: my name is Alana. To be honest, I am still trying to figure out so many things in my life, but one thing that I know is that I’ve been passionate about writing – even before I truly began to understand passion, itself.

I am a graduate of Mary Baldwin College, and after years of trying to establish the perfect career, I have stopped searching for perfection and opted for happiness, instead. I mean, perfection would be great, but what is a world that is merely perfect?  There would be no heartache, no memories in which we learn from, no spiritual growth.

I thank you all so much for being here; I promise, you’re in for a treat.

Thus, welcome friends, to The Untamed Natural.